How does it work
In many cases, we are becoming aware of the stagnation of energy within ourselves when it has manifested itself already, so that physical or mental ailing appears and treatment might be necessary. A symptom is always a way of showing us that something is not right.
Even though we might have to take physical treatment into consideration,
to restrain the ailing from returning, one has to find the energetical cause for the matter.
As we are eternal beings, that cause might already have come here with us.
It is truly astonishing how many of life’s challenges could be solved easily by expanding our minds and looking at the true greatness of this universe.
( Please visit our website to learn about the combination of physical and energetical treatment )

Spiritual psychology
None of us is simply born insane or ill , diagnosed as a fact which has to be accepted for the rest of our lives.
Some souls might have simply brought something with them onto this journey, which may in the here and now appear like a weird condition to us.
Instead of analysing or talking about mental issues for years, spiritual psychology goes straight to the cause of the matter, solve it and the situation and condition will improve.

Children are our future, a future that comes with a past.
By bringing a child into this world, we are giving a kin soul the chance to come onto this planet to evolve and to grow - and in return we get the possibility to evolve through them. When we look into the eyes of newborn babies, we notice that each one of these unique wonders has a different look in his eyes - some of them seem wise and knowing, others youthful naive.
How is this possible, when none of them has lived a shaping and forming life yet?
Can this be just character ?
Often we are faced with truly irrational and inexplainable behaviour when it comes to our little ones - constant whining or crying, severe temper tantrums, learning diffuculties, or behaving like they are not themselves.
Life is an ongoing journey and we are never starting from zero, not even when we are born.

Energetical healing can bring painless and precise help without having to burden
the child with a complex and longterm therapy or medication of any kind.

Ways out of seemingly unsolvable  situations 
Throughout our lives, most of us have found themselves in situations we felt trapped in. We all have encountered seemingly unsolvable issues.
Relationships that kept us from evolving - we were aware of this and still could not leave.
How many of us at least once in their lives had to find a new apartment and nothing opened up.
Family matters.
Stagnation in life.
Not finding ones’ way or not knowing which way to choose.

Energetical entanglements may hinder us from moving on easily.
Let's open our minds and allow ourselves a rich and flowing life.